Autodesk Clean Uninstall/ Reinstall Directions

July 7, 2023 Heather Volk

Issue’s with:
•    Crashing Autodesk programs
•    Errors regarding missing .dll files
•    Unexpected behavior after Windows updates
•    Unexpected behavior after Autodesk updates
•    Corrupt Revit Cloud Worksharing Add-in 2021 and higher
•    When a repair / reinstall doesn’t resolve the issue
•    Missing folders and files from standard install

•    Corruption
•    Partial or bad Installation
•    Antivirus blocking installation

1.    Export/ or back up any customizations in AutoCAD based products which includes:
a.    User Interfaces or CUIx.
b.    Custom profiles or ARG
c.    Templates – DWT’s
d.    Revit.ini file

2.    Close out of all Autodesk products. 

3.    Disable Antivirus (For best results) 

4.    Open Windows Start Menu and search for “Uninstall Tool.”

5.    Using the Autodesk Uninstall tool, select all the parts and pieces for the version you are uninstalling. 
*** Note: IF you are using 2022 or newer products the Uninstall Tool will not work. Autodesk discontinued the Uninstall Tool for 2022 and newer products. Everything needs to be removed using Control Panel. ***

Example: Revit 2020

6.    The executable for the Uninstall tool can be found here: 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Uninstall Tool\R1

7.    Once all the items are uninstalled go to the following folders and delete the residual folders for the products that were uninstalled:
a.    C:\Autodesk
b.    C:\Program Files\Autodesk
c.    C:\ProgramData\Autodesk
d.    C:\Users\*YourUserid*\AppData\Local\Autodesk
e.    C:\Users\*YourUserid*\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk
*** Note: if the product is missing from any folder its ok, continue to next location. ***

8.    Go to file explorer and type in “%temp%” and click enter. This will navigate to the temp folder. Select anything and hit “Control” + “A” to select all then hit “delete” key. 

When prompted about what to do for items that can’t be deleted, check the box for all items and select “skip.”

9.    Reboot machine. 

10.    Go to to sign into your Autodesk account. 

*** Note: If there is no product in your account you may be using a network license. You can reach out to Autodesk to get the download files from here. ***

11.    Find the product in your account to re-download. Example Revit 2023:

A.    The red box shows the dropdown with the versions available.
B.    The yellow box opens the dropdown that shows all the types of installs. 
***Note: I highly recommend doing the “Download” version because it is a full download***
C.    The green box shows the recommended “Download”. 

12.    The Download Manager may need to be installed. This tool has error checking built in and provides a more reliable download. Click Install. 
Autodesk Download manager for older product:

Path the download media to the following location:
**We recommend you ALWAYS download and install to the C drive**

Autodesk Create Installer is for 2022 and newer product:

Followed by:

Choose either “Open in Folder” or “Run Installer”
**We recommend you ALWAYS download and install to the C drive**

13.    Follow the prompts and finish the download. BEFORE launching, go to the Autodesk desktop app or the new Autodesk Access and install ALL applicable updates for that product one at a time starting at the bottom and working your way up. 
Autodesk Desktop app:

Autodesk Access:

14.    Reboot the machine once more. 

Using the Autodesk uninstall tool to remove 2021 and older product is a quicker method that removes the items in the order it wants to be uninstalled while removing all parts associated. Multiple items can be uninstalled at once while the uninstall tool removes relevant details from the registry. Performing a “clean” uninstall will help ensure further corruption upon reinstall. 

*** Final Tip: If product was not removed fully with the uninstall tool and an Icon still appears on the desktop, there is further corruption that anticipated. Use the Microsoft fix it tool to completely remove any residual parts of the program that was removed. ***

Microsoft Fix-it Tool Blog

About the Author

Heather Volk

Sr. Technical Support Specialist, Building Solutions<br><br>Heather is responsible for responding to customer requests and helping them address technical challenges in a timely manner. She is an experienced Computer Aided Design Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the construction industry. She has strong arts and design professional skills in AutoCAD, plumbing, computer aided design (CAD), project estimation, and facility management, and a history of providing training and technical support.

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