
Information on integrating computational fluid analysis and finite element analysis into CAD and prototyping workflows.

  • Take Control of Your Production Processes with Fusion Operations (Formerly Prodsmart)52:22

    Take Control of Your Production Processes with Fusion Operations (Formerly Prodsmart)

    Learn how Fusion Operations (formerly Prodsmart) can put you back in control of your manufacturing processes in a connected environment that enhanced collaboration and audit tracking.

  • What Kind of MESs are You in?  Digitizing the Shop Floor Traveler

    What Kind of MESs are You in? Digitizing the Shop Floor Traveler

    Manufacturing Execution Systems insights and Introduction to Fusion Operations (formerly Prodsmart).

  • Introduction to Fusion Operations (Formerly Prodsmart)37:19

    Introduction to Fusion Operations (Formerly Prodsmart)

    Explore Fusion Operations as a robust Manufacturing Execution System (MES) solution. Stay on top of your production planning process and gain insights to predict machine downtime, track production pro

  • Digital Transformation in Manufacturing - How A MES Can Transform Your Factory

    Digital Transformation in Manufacturing - How A MES Can Transform Your Factory

    Innovation within manufacturing helps create a culture of continuous improvement to improve product quality and reduce waste, ultimately making companies more successful.

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  • Make confident design decisions

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  • Planning for Success with Fusion Operations (Formerly Prodsmart)

    Planning for Success with Fusion Operations (Formerly Prodsmart)

    Overview of Fusion Operations (formerly Prodsmart) and the importance of having an effective planning strategy.

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  • Simulating Your Factory Layout with ProModel49:56

    Simulating Your Factory Layout with ProModel

    IMAGINiT expert, Rusty Belcher explores how ProModel AutoCAD Edition can help make your digital twin goals a reality!

  • Sustainability and Project Viability Studies with Factory Design and ProModel

    Sustainability and Project Viability Studies with Factory Design and ProModel

    In our continued look at ProModel for AutoCAD, Inventor, and Factory Design Utilities, we take a look at Sustainability Initiatives and Overall Project Viability.

  • Warehouse Optimization with Factory Design and ProModel

    Warehouse Optimization with Factory Design and ProModel

    Warehouse Optimization with Factory Design and ProModel

  • Factory Design AND Process Optimization - Executed Simultaneously in AutoCAD

    Factory Design AND Process Optimization - Executed Simultaneously in AutoCAD

  • Autodesk Inventor FEA Reports Have Missing Images

    Autodesk Inventor FEA Reports Have Missing Images

    Troubleshooting images missing from Autodesk Inventor FEA reports.

  • Fluid Flow Optimization with Autodesk CFD 202147:05

    Fluid Flow Optimization with Autodesk CFD 2021

    IMAGINiT expert Ed Gillman explores the range of powerful simulation tools available in Autodesk CFD, allowing engineers to make confident decisions with fluid, thermal, and motion insights.

  • Rotating Regions with Autodesk CFD Ultimate

    Rotating Regions with Autodesk CFD Ultimate

    Use Autodesk CFD Rotating Regions to analyze the performance of fans, impellers, and turbomachinery.

  • Simulating Air Flow Patterns to Reduce the Spread of Airborne Germs

    Simulating Air Flow Patterns to Reduce the Spread of Airborne Germs

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  • Simulating Your Parts and Manufacturing Processes49:06

    Simulating Your Parts and Manufacturing Processes

    IMAGINiT expert Ed Gillman explores how you can go from paper to prototype faster using Inventor Nastran and FeatureCAM

  • Product Developers Gain Benefits, Eliminate Drawbacks of CFD

    Product Developers Gain Benefits, Eliminate Drawbacks of CFD

    For organizations that need CFD analysis, working with an outside consultant can help in multiple ways, including fixed costs and the ability to offer new or needed information to clients.

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  • IMAGINiT and Simulation Based Design Optimization48:07

    IMAGINiT and Simulation Based Design Optimization

    Learn how leveraging simulation early in the design process helps achieve design specifications, maintain project deadlines and strengthens ROI.

  • Deliver Better Products and Reach Higher Profits with CFD3:18

    Deliver Better Products and Reach Higher Profits with CFD

    This video explains the benefits of CFD and discuss how IMAGINiT’s collaborative consulting approach can help you

  • Moffitt Gains Advantage with Enhanced CFD Capabilities

    Moffitt Gains Advantage with Enhanced CFD Capabilities

    Needing a more complex computational fluid dynamics analysis than Moffitt typically provides, Moffitt turned to the CFD experts at IMAGINiT for help.

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  • Finite Element Analysis Services

    Finite Element Analysis Services

    Our team has the FEA & CFD analysis expertise to confidently gain and interpret results to help you make informed design decisions and meet critical project deadlines.

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  • Overcome Analysis Paralysis with Inventor Nastran1:10:25

    Overcome Analysis Paralysis with Inventor Nastran

    Get an overview of the types of analysis available in Inventor Nastran, applicable categories, and how to use them in your workflow.

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