When Vault updates are released, some of the 'two-point' updates, such as Vault 2022.2.2 will state to 'Run the b2bmigrate operation after installing the server update.', as mentioned in the Vault Release Notes.
This 'build to build migration' is intended to update the SQL databases used by Vault as an additional step after installing the two-point update. But the Vault Release Notes, otherwise known as the Read Me files are often overlooked, and therefore the note to run the b2bmigrate after installing the update is often missed.
But, neglecting to run the b2bmigrate, when indicated in the release notes, could have significant performance implications, as described here.
Autodesk's advice has been long established, as in this Vault Forum discussion thread from 2014, that:
"It is not necessary to do a b2bmigrate after upgrading to a major release or installing a service pack. In those cases, the ADMS Console can detect that a migration is required and it will automatically perform the b2bmigrate when it has finished with the rest of the migration.
You should only need to do a b2bmigrate when specifically instructed to (usually in the notes for a hotfix)."
Dave Mink
[now] Sr Software Engineer
Autodesk, Inc.
Note: Since this advice was posted, Autodesk refers to a service pack as a ‘one-point update’ such as 2022.2 and a hotfix as a ‘two-point update’, such as 2022.2.2.
So, for a two-point update such as Vault 2022.2.2, the read me file, for example, links to the procedure to run the b2bmigrate from an admin cmd prompt, reproduced below.
Database Update
Open a command prompt and navigate to the installed location of Connectivity.ADMSConsole.exe.
Run ADMS b2bmigrate operation in command line mode: (if required for the server update installation, you are installing)
- Example: Connectivity.ADMSConsole.Exe -Ob2bmigrate -VUadministrator -VPadmin_password -DBUsql_user -DBPsql_password
- NOTE: Replace 'admin_password' with the appropriate administrator password for the -VP switch.
- The last two command line parameters are required only if the 'sa' password is not the default password.
A 'migration successful' dialog will display when the b2bmigrate operation has completed.
If necessary, open ADMS Console and attach any previously detached databases.
Notes: To easily locate the path to the 'Connectivity.ADMSConsole.exe' right-click the start-up icon for the 'Autodesk Data Management Server Console 2022' (for example) and go to the Shortcut tab to copy the path.
Then paste into an admin cmd prompt after 'change directory', like this: cd "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Vault Server 2022\ADMS Console"
Note: The completion message is the only indication of progress. The cmd prompt will not show activity. The completion varies widely between five minutes and over an hour depending upon the condition of the vault.
Update: For this 2022.2.2 Update, an oversight has caused the update to be listed correctly in Help > About in Vault. You can confirm that the server update has been installed from Start> Run > Appwiz.cpl > View installed updates.
For the client, look under 'View installed Updates' for Autodesk Vault Professional 2022 (Client) version
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