IMAGINiT Utilities Error -18 using Network Licensing

September 22, 2022 Jeff Lotan

Attempting to use the IMAGINiT Utilities you receive an -18 error in the dialog.

"A Licensing issue was detected. 
License Error Code: -18
Additional information may be available in the RepriseLM End-User Guide."

One of the possible causes we found when troubleshooting the problem was on the server side of things.

On the server when running the diagnostic tool (see blog below) we saw this error:
03/02 13:56 (rlm) Unable to create ISV socket, comm error: -209, errno: 10048
03/02 13:56 (rlm) This error probably means that port 6065 is in use


To resolve this problem, we had to edit the license file using Notepad (Notepad++ works too) and change a port.  Network licensing uses 2 ports and, in this case, the same port was used in both places.

The license file showed this:
HOST MySVR b49691963050 6065
ISV rand PORT=6065
LICENSE rand imaginitc3dutilities 2023 18-aug-2023 50 max_roam=14
start=08-aug-2022 options=B4CB5-....

Once we put the default 27051 port back in, stopped/started the service we made it past the error: 
HOST MySVR b49691963050 27051
ISV rand PORT=6065
LICENSE rand imaginitc3dutilities 2023 18-aug-2023 50 max_roam=14
start=08-aug-2022 options=B4CB5-....

Once the port was changed, we used the SetupHelper.exe to stop the service, then start the service and we were able to get past the error.

When a network license is generated, we insert the port 27051, the other one is not there by default.  Someone had manually changed the port.

How to Obtain Reprise License Manager Diagnostic information


About the Author

Jeff Lotan

Sr. Technical Support Specialist - Licensing<br><br>I am charged with mentoring and training team members in the proper use our systems and tools, documenting NSC processes, and providing feedback and ideas to the management team towards improving the customer experience. I am also a major contributor to our technical support blog and internal knowledge base.

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