How to update location for Network License Manager for AutoCAD for Mac

December 22, 2022 Bob Felton


For those sites that still have AutoCAD for Mac running on a Network License Manager (NLM) license rather than a Named User license, there are two methods to update the location for the NLM host when it changes.


In the normal course of operation, it may become necessary to replace or move a server that hosts the NLM. Or, it may make sense to move the NLM to another server.

If the network license is still accessible in AutoCAD for Mac before the move, then AutoCAD can start up and the license can be easily switched to the new server name.

But, if the NLM host is moved before the license can be switched in AutoCAD for Mac, then the easier method to update the license server is not available.


In the first scenario above, when AutoCAD for Mac can still pull a network license and the new license server host is also up and running, the easiest method to change to the new NLM is under the pulldown from the small triangle to the right of the login name.

Then use Manage License, Change license type, then select Network license and enter the new server name, like this:


But, if a network license is not available, then AutoCAD for Mac will not start up to make 'Manage License' accessible.

For this condition, a script can be pasted into the macOS Terminal app to set the type of license (Product Key and version of the product) along with the name(s) of the license manager host(s).

For AutoCAD for Mac 2022 with a network license found on the servers named 'NLM_Host01' and 'NLM_Host02', the Terminal script can look like this:

sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/helper/AdskLicensingInstHelper change -pk 777N1 -pv 2022.0.0.F -lm "NETWORK" -lt "SINGLE" -ls "@NLM_Host01, @NLM_Host02"

Note: You can find product keys for other AutoCAD for Mac versions, here: Look up product keys.

To quickly locate Terminal to paste this script, from the Finder Go to Utilities:

 Then locate and open Terminal and paste the script and enter your Mac's login password when prompted.


For reference, here are the valid options for AdskLicensingInsthelper:

   AdskLicensingInstHelper change [command options]
     [R] - required
     [O] - optional

   --prod_key key, --pk key             [R] key of the product to change (e.g. "001K1")
   --prod_ver version, --pv version     [R] version of the product to change (e.g. "2015.0.0.F")
   --feature_id key, --fi key           [O] alternate key of the product to change (e.g. "ACD", for license method USER only)
   --lic_method value, --lm value       [O] Selected license method during install. Should be one of (case insensitive): USER, STANDALONE, NETWORK or empty "" to reset LGS
   --lic_server_type value, --lt value  [O] network license server type. Should be one of (case insensitive): SINGLE, REDUNDANT, DISTRIBUTED or empty "" to reset LGS. WARNING! For empty value lic_servers will be reset as well
   --lic_servers value, --ls value      [O] list of comma separated network license server addresses. Resets list if emptyFor example: @,@,@
   --consumers value, --co value        [O] comma-separated identifiers of products consuming the feature. Resets the consumers if empty


About the Author

Bob Felton

Sr. Technical Support Specialist, Manufacturing<br><br>Bob Felton has been supporting Autodesk products for over 25 years including core AutoCAD, P&ID, Plant 3D, AutoCAD for Mac, AutoCAD Mechanical, and Vault. His background is in graphics with an Applied Sciences degree and ten years manufacturing experience drafting, as well as technical illustration, image editing, and even patent drafting.

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