How to Renew and Replace an Expired IMAGINiT Reprise LM Utilities License

January 18, 2022 Jeff Lotan


You have the IMAGINiT Utilities (for Revit, Civil 3D or Vault Client) and the license has expired, and users cannot obtain a license.   You need to know how to renew and replace an expired IMAGINiT Reprise LM Utilities network license. 


The IMAGINiT Utilities licenses typically expire after 1 year.


So, you should remove the old license and create a new one.  The first step is to generate a new Authcode.

Generate the new Authcode:

You can use this blog to generate the code:

Now, how do you get the old expired license out and generate the new license.  Here are the steps I would use to get the new license up and running.

  1. Use the C:\Program Files (x86)\IMAGINiT Technologies\Reprise License Manager\SetupHelper.exe or C:\Program Files\IMAGINiT Technologies\Reprise License Manager\SetupHelper.exe and verify the service is “Stopped” on the “Service” tab.  If it shows “Status: Running” just click the “Stop” button before continuing.  Note: in the folder you will also see the IMAGINiT.lic file.



2)         Please just move the IMAGINiT.lic file out of the folder unless you have multiple licenses in the IMAGINiT.lic file. Please see “Multiple IMAGINiT Licenses” below if you have multiple licenses.

3)         Go back to the SetupHelper and select the “License File” tab and verify the expired license has been removed.

4)         Click the “Authorize license” button at the bottom of the dialog. This blog will walk you through the steps:

5)         Paste in the new Authcode that you received in the email after generating the Authcode.


6)         Once it generates the new license file, go to the “Service” tab and click the “Start” button.


7)         Use the Website button (see above image) to verify you have licenses available.  See more about this in our blog:

Multiple IMAGINiT Licenses:

If you have more than one license included in the IMAGINiT License file, then you can edit the license and remove only the expired sections. Start with the ISV line and keep the next ISV line. 

Note:  by default the PORT=6005 does not exist in the license file, but you can add it if you would like to.  It makes opening ports in the firewall easier.

Edit the license file using Notepad, (it should be in the : C:\Program Files (x86)\IMAGINiT Technologies\Reprise License Manager OR the C:\Program Files\IMAGINiT Technologies\Reprise License Manager folder) and remove the old expired license.  

You can look in the license file and find the expiration date:

LICENSE rand imaginitc3dutilities 2020 25-feb-2020 50 max_roam=14

The highlighted date is the date that the license expires.  If you have multiple LICENSE lines, please check them all.  Remove the entire section.  Then return to step 3 above.

About the Author

Jeff Lotan

Sr. Technical Support Specialist - Licensing<br><br>I am charged with mentoring and training team members in the proper use our systems and tools, documenting NSC processes, and providing feedback and ideas to the management team towards improving the customer experience. I am also a major contributor to our technical support blog and internal knowledge base.

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