You want to obtain an IMAGINiT Utilities for Revit, Civil 3D or Vault Client license.
We have a new and easier process to obtain our Utilities now!
As a Bonus and "Thank you" to the companies that have their Autodesk Subscription through IMAGINiT Technologies, we give you our Utilities (for Revit, Civil 3d, Vault Client) free of charge.
It is quick and easy to obtain them! The first step is to request the Utilities. Some of our recent changes have made things much easier and FASTER and we do not even need to be open for you to make the request!
Note: If you installed without generating the Authcode, then you will get licensing errors trying to run the program.
Use the company email address. If our system does not recognize the email domain name, then you may get an email or call from someone in Sales.
Once you've submitted the request our system will check the email address to verify you have an Autodesk subscription with us and if you do, then it will immediately send you an email.
The email will have links to our blogs on how to get things installed and running as well as the Authcode (required) and a link to download the Utilities.
You can request the licenses here and it will generate the required Authcode:
Fill out the form and click Submit. Note the fields marked with an * are required fields.
Once submitted you should receive this page:
You should receive an email shortly and it will look like the following:
Two additional things to note:
- You get either Network or Standalone, but not both. So, if you use the page to generate a network license/Authcode and then try again for Standalone it will resend the Network email.
- If your network or standalone license expires and you try to generate another code for the SAME version, it will resend the same Authcode that is expired and will not work. Use a newer version for our Utilities for Revit and Utilities for Civil 3D as they will install into the older versions of Revit and Civil 3D and activate with the new Authcode.
Created by Jeff Lotan - IMAGINiT Technologies Technical Support
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