Do you loath having to “disable” add-ins? Can you remember all the locations where the add-ins can be found? Do you want the “easy button” to click and disable all at once? Well look no further! This 3rd party “Add-In Manager” will be the easy button you are looking for. This tool will allow you to disable all add-ins and open Revit in “safe mode”.
- Download the tool from Bitbucket here.
- Locate the downloaded file and unzip it.
- Once unzipped click the AddinManager folder, click BIN folder, and then the Debug sub-folder.
- Run the tool by double clicking the AddInManager.exe file.
- You can select a specific version of Revit or you can select all.
- You can select all, invert, select enabled, select disabled and then Enable/ Disable once ready.
- Once all Add-ins have been enabled/ disabled and set, start Revit as usual.
Final Notes:
Please enjoy your Add-In Manager “Easy Button”. Don’t forget to “pin” it to your task bar!
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More Content by Heather Volk