You create a Revit 2024 “Custom Install” using the Deployment option and include your custom Dynamo settings by selecting the XML file you’ve saved, but when installing the custom settings do not exist.
This is a known issue by Autodesk.
Autodesk recommends you manually copy the file to the hard drive.
We created the following batch file (DynamoSettings.bat) to copy it for us.
REM create the folder for the settings.
MD "%userprofile%\appdata\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.17"
REM Copy the .xml file into the users new folder: Copy “\\servername\Deploy\Revit_2024\Custom\*.xml “
"%userprofile%\appdata\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.17\*.xml"
Edit the Revit 2024 installation batch file and added a line to call the above batch file:
Call “\\servername\Deploy\Revit_2024\DynamoSettings.bat”
Note: your locations/paths will be different, and you’ll need to adjust it to fit your needs.
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More Content by Jeff Lotan