Microsoft Edge Webview2 missing
Issue: Auotcad Error “Unable to run AutoCAD. A dependent component Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime is missing or you don't have sufficient rights to run AutoCAD. If you have sufficient rights, install the missing component or reinstall AutoCAD.”
Causes: Microsoft Webview2 is either missing or installed incorrectly
1) Open this web page in a browser:
2) Click on Download
3) Select the X64 in the Evergreen Standalone Installer box (use the x32 if your computer is a 32 bit one) and download the file. You will be shown a licensing agreement that you need to click Accept and Download on before the download begins.
4) Open your downloads folder and run the MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX64.exe file that was downloaded.
5) When the install finishes, Autocad should no longer give this error message.
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