Download Extensions for Revit 2020

December 30, 2020 Ken Williams


  1. Log in to
  2. Choose “All Products & Services”

3. Find Revit and click on the dropdown arrow to the left of the word “Revit”

4. Choose “Updates & Add-ons” at the bottom right

5. Choose the extension that you want to download. You can use “Add filters” to only show 2020

6. Choose either "Browser Download" or "Download Now" under "More Options"

7. Install addons after you finish downloading


About the Author

Ken Williams

Installation Technical Support Specialist<br><br>Ken Williams has over 20 years of experience as a systems administrator helping organizations with installation, configuration, and maintenance. At IMAGINiT, Ken puts his knowledge of Microsoft, SQL, servers, and Autodesk to work ensuring clients are able to stay up-and-running, install their software easily, and maintain their solutions.

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