Fabrication can add different users with set permissions and privileges. This is a great option for keeping all users from being able to delete or change the database.
- Go to Start Menu > Fabrication CADmep (Year) Folder > Configure Users
- Select the correct database.
- A pop up that says “Cannot Run User Manager: This program is not for single-user installations. Click ok.
4. Go in Fabrication Database Folder: This PC > C: drive > Users > Public > Public Documents > Autodesk > Fabrication (Year) > Imperial Content > V3.06 > Database
5. Create a folder named Users
6. Go back to Start Menu > Fabrication CADmep (Year) Folder > Configure Users
7. Select the correct database
8. A new pop up will appear with a login screen:
9. Type in the default Username and Password for the admin.
User: Administrator
Password: admin
10. Configure Privileges and permissions for your users. The first screen will show users, ID’s, privileges and if it is a single user or not.
Create, Edit or Delete:
1. Create New:
Click on “User” > “New” and fill in information:
User type = Log in name
Password = If necessary
(If you do not want a password, leave it blank)
Option to enforce single log in and/ or create admin account.
Then filter and sort what the user can and cannot do.
2. Edit Users:
Double click on the user you want to edit and make changes then click ok.
3. Delete Users:
Right click on the user and select “delete”.
Checking User Details (Privileges):
If there are already permissions set, you can easily check to see what was granted by looking at the “Access” column in the Configure Fabrication Users window.
1. The User column shows the different users and who has access to the software.
2. The Id column shows the ID number associated to each User that has been created. By default, Admin is set to 0.
3. The Access column shows the privileges associated with that user.
4. Single Login allows one person or multiple people to log in as that user.
The admin in the image above has 8 different privileges assigned to that user. The list of those can be found below.
If you click on “Help” the Access Key will show you the list of user privileges that are available.
Here is a full description of the user privileges and the key for each access:
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More Content by Heather Volk