Bad Request Licensing error 400 activating the IMAGINiT Utilities

July 11, 2023 Jeff Lotan

When attempting to activate the IMAGINiT Utilities, you receive the following error.

“Utilities licensing error was encountered:  The remote server returned an unexpected response: (400) Bad Request”


This problem can be due to the firewall blocking communication with the IMAGINiT licensing servers.


Whitelist the following URL: for both port 443 (https) and port 80 (http)

About the Author

Jeff Lotan

Sr. Technical Support Specialist - Licensing<br><br>I am charged with mentoring and training team members in the proper use our systems and tools, documenting NSC processes, and providing feedback and ideas to the management team towards improving the customer experience. I am also a major contributor to our technical support blog and internal knowledge base.

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