You would like to uninstall Autodesk products using a batch file.
The following instructions explain how to uninstall products from a deployment using the deployment built-in “Uninstall.txt” file.
- Go to the location of the deployment and choose the “SMS_SCCM scripts” folder.
- Open the file <deployment name>_Uninstall.txt in Notepad or a similar text editor.
- First thing after you open the file in Notepad or a similar text editor, is to save the file as ANSI and rename from .txt to .bat
- Choose “File”, then choose “Save As…”
- Go to the directory that you will save the batch file too. Rename the .txt to .bat next to “File name:” and from the “Save as type” choose “All Files (*.*)
- *This next step is very important* - Next to the “Save” button is “Encoding:”. From the “Encoding” drop-down choose “ANSI” and then “Save”.
Note that ANSI encoding is required to create an executable batch file.
- Open the created batch file, and enable the uninstallation commands by removing the "::" characters at the beginning of the "::call :funcUninstall" command line for each product that you want to uninstall. For “Manual uninstallation only” you will need to use “Add and Remove programs"
- After removing the “::” characters at the beginning of the "::call :funcUninstall" command line for each product that you want to uninstall, click “File” at the top and choose “Save”