You want to know which ports to whitelist for communication between the IMAGINiT Reprise License Manager (RLM) and the client machine to obtain a license.
The IMAGINiT RLM uses 4 ports. Three of them are hardcoded and one is dynamic. I recommend you hardcode the dynamic port first, then set the firewall exceptions/whitelist.
Please see our blog: "How to Hardcode the IMAGINiT Reprise License Manager Dynamic Port"
NOTE: This should be done by your IT professional that is proficient with opening communication and keeping the company safe/secure.
Once you've completed that task, then you can open these ports on the server. TCP & UDP Inbound ports 5053, 5054, 6005, 27051.
In this example I'll just use the simple Windows Firewall under "Advanced Settings".
I typically do two "Inbound Rules".
I name the rules:
- IMAGINiT TCP Ports 5053,5054,6005,27051
- IMAGINiT UDP Ports 5053,5054,6005,27051
Here's what it should look like in the main view.
Here are the settings in the dialog.
Give it a name.
Use TCP and add the ports.
Then do the same thing for the UDP ports.
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More Content by Jeff Lotan