Autodesk Vault Job Processor Delayed Start

December 13, 2022 Heath White


Sync jobs for BIM or Fusion cloud drives are failing to process on the Vault Job Processor.  When you check the Job Processor, those Job Types are unavailable even though you have the Desktop Connector installed and running.


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This is typically due to the Job Processor starting before the Desktop Connector loads when the system starts up.  This can often occur seemingly at random since the Sync Job Types will normally show as available and will process as long as the Desktop Connector started before the Job Processor.


However, the system hosting the Job Processor may restart for a variety of reasons, and if that happens, the Job Processor may start before the Desktop Connector, leaving the required jobs unavailable.


To resolve this situation, you will need to delay the automatic start of the Job Processor so that it starts after the Desktop Connector to allow for Synchronization jobs to show up and be processed by the Job Processor. 


The Job Processor itself does not have a built-in option for a delayed start, only the option to “Start on Windows Logon”.  For the purpose of this solution, be sure that this option is NOT selected.


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Since the Desktop Connector will start when the system starts up, you don’t have to make any changes to the Desktop Connector’s behavior.  However, you will need to set a Windows Task to start the Job Processor. This will allow you to set a delay that will ensure the Job Processor starts after the Desktop Connector so the Synchronization Jobs will be available Job Types and can be processed.


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To create the Task, bring up the Task Scheduler.  The simplest way to find it if you’re unfamiliar with the tool, is to use the Windows Search tool.  Please note this article refers to the Windows Task Scheduler, not the Inventor Task Scheduler.

Create a Task on the Job Processor machine and name it whatever you would like.  An example is shown in the following image, but no specific name is required for the task.

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Once you’ve created the task, you’ll need to set the trigger for the delayed start as shown in the following image.

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You can choose your preferred delay based on your specific needs.


Next, you will set the action.  This is what starts the Job Processor.



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The following path will be used for the action, simply replace the “XX” with the release of the Job Processor you are running your Job Processor workstation.


"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Vault Client 20XX\Explorer\JobProcessor.exe"


The following image is an example of the what the task should look like when set:


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Once the task is set, you can test it by first ensuring that the Job Processor is not running, then right click on the task and choose to “Run” the task immediately.

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If the task runs successfully, you should see the Job Processor in your system tray, similar to what is shown in the following image:

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If the Job Processor successfully starts after the Desktop Connector, then in the Job Processor “Job Types” list, you should see the “Synchronization” jobs as shown below.

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Note: The dialog shown in the previous image is informational only and cannot be used to select/deselect Job Types.


To help those who aren’t familiar with the creation of a Windows Task, the link below contains an example that can be imported and modified as needed.  If you decide to import the task, you will need to modify the user and depending on the version of Vault you are using, you may need to modify the path to the executable to match your version of Vault.

Vault Job Processor - Delayed Start.xml


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