Since SQL became an option for managing catalog databases in AutoCAD Electrical, some users have experienced the following error:
Autodesk addressed that issue beginning with the release of AutoCAD Electrical 2022. Autodesk included a new system variable that allows users to control the SQL timeout when connecting to a SQL hosted catalog database. The problem is that none of the currently available documentation indicates how to effectively use the variable to make the desired change.
The currently available documentation (as of the time this article was published) can be seen in the link below:
As you can see in the image below, if you try to use the information provided in the AKN article, you will receive an “Unknown Command” response.
This issue is caused by the fact that the system variable needs to be run from the command line as an API call and that requirement is not detailed in any official documentation currently available.
The solution is to apply the system variable using the following format: (AESETSQLSERVERTIMEOUT XX) with “XX” representing the amount of time you’d like to set the timeout for. A “T” will be displayed for a successful change, while “nil” will be show for an unsuccessful attempt.
The default setting is 30 seconds, but the valid range is between 15-500 seconds per Autodesk Technical Support. To see what your timeout is set to, you can use the following command: (AEGETSQLSERVERTIMEOUT)
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