Windows Event Viewer “Internet Explorer Access is Denied” Error
You try to open the Windows Event Viewer and receive this error:
A Windows update implemented some additional security on the machine.
Per Microsoft:
This change of behavior allows for the following:
- Allow all access to a Domain Administrator
- Allow all access to a Local Administrator
- Deny all access to a Domain User
- Allow all access to everyone
Microsoft has an article on how to change it back and involves editing the registry.
Warning! Problems caused by improperly editing the Windows registry could render your computer/operating system unusable. Microsoft provides a wealth of critical information that you need to know about the registry in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. Use the Microsoft® Registry Editor only at your own risk and only after backing up the registry as well as the system.dat and user.dat files as outlined for your operating system in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. Additional information about the registry is also contained in the Help topics in the Microsoft Registry Editor.
Change the following CustomSD value:
Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Internet Explorer
CustomSD value: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0x07;;;WD)S:(ML;;0x1;;;LW)
To the following CustomSD value:
Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Internet Explorer
CustomSD value: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0x07;;;DA)(A;;0x07;;;LA)(D;;0x07;;;DU)(A;;0x07;;;WD)S:(ML;;0x1;;;LW)
Exit the registry editor and try again.
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