Fusion 360: How to create an Icon for you Desktop

Fusion 360: How to create a Icon for you Desktop.
In may cases you may need to create a Desktop Icon for Fusion 360. This can be a result of several possible issues, such as Install Issue, Rights Issue, Delete by mistake.

Install Issue, Rights Issue, Deleted by mistake.

How to create Fusion 360 Icon

  • Go to Windows Explorer.
  • Go to folder %localappdata%\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\ or C:\Users\Local\<Current Windows User that you are logged in as>\App Data\ Autodesk\webdeploy\production\ <You will see random Numbers and Letters> Find the one that contains FusionLauncher.exe.
  • Right click on the FusionLauncher.exe select create Shortcut. (This may ask if you want to place on the Desktop. Says yes or if not then move this to your Desktop).
  • Rename the Icon to what you want such as “Fusion 360”.
  • Change the Icon to the Folder FusionLauncher.exe is located in.

If the above does not work.

Uninstall and Reinstall

  • Uninstall Fusion 360.

•    Make sure to login to Windows as an Administrator.

  • Disable Virus Scan.
  • Install Fusion 360 again.

About the Author

Jeff Arbogast

Manufacturing Solution Center Team Lead<br><br>Jeff is responsible for manufacturing Technical Support for both internal staff and customers. In addition to the daily activities of the support center, he helps write for the National Support Center blog, and has written online classes for the IMAGINiT training on demand site.

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