Turn off Tab Previews and Switching Views

You’d like to turn off the switching behavior when hovering over the open drawing tabs and would like to turn off the preview of what is in each tab in the drawing.

There are two system variables that control this behavior:
It’s either 0 or 1 (and 1 is the default)
When set to 1, when you hover over a drawing tab, the view in the AutoCAD Window switches:

When set to 0 (zero):
Notice that the View in the AutoCAD window remains in Model, until I click on the layout view preview, then it will switch.

It’s either 0 or 1 (and 1 is the default)
When set to 1, you get full graphical previews:

When set to 0 (zero), you are presented with a list of Tabs, but no graphical preview:

This is a personal preference, but if your machine struggles or you have lots of tabs, then changing one or both to zero may help your performance.

About the Author

Ryan Wunderlich

Support Team Manager - AEC Team<br><br>An AutoCAD Certified Professional, Ryan is responsible for taking client cases and assisting with issues with the software - everything from regular glitches to software deployments and whatever else goes wrong. He's proficient in AutoCAD (including customization), VBA, LISP, and Civil 3D.

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