Text shows incorrectly after opening a drawing

Applies to:
All AutoCAD-based Products

You open an AutoCAD Drawing and the Text object(s) display incorrectly or show the wrong font.
You may or may not get a warning box about a missing SHX file:

This is always caused by a missing shape file (SHX) or True Type font is not installed on the system.
You may get the warning above, if a custom linetype has a SHX shape file associated with it, but this is for when text no longer is displaying correctly, and you are missing the font.

When you open a drawing, you will be able to see in the Command line (you may need to hit F2 or type in TEXTSCR to see the history), and in there it will show you the missing fonts and the substitution has occurred.

In the above example, I am missing three (3) fonts that are in use in the drawing.
I need to locate the complex9.shx and leroy.shx (if I have them)
For the Futura Bk Bt, that is a True Type font (since the screen doesn’t show an extension) and would need to be installed on the Windows device to see it.

Please see this blog on adding Fonts to AutoCAD-Based Products:


If you do not have those fonts, then you would need to go into the Text Styles dialog box, and go through each style on the left, look for the yellow warning and replace it with a font that is present on your system.

About the Author

Ryan Wunderlich

Support Team Manager - AEC Team<br><br>An AutoCAD Certified Professional, Ryan is responsible for taking client cases and assisting with issues with the software - everything from regular glitches to software deployments and whatever else goes wrong. He's proficient in AutoCAD (including customization), VBA, LISP, and Civil 3D.

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