How to PURGE a Drawing and its XREFs using ETransmit

Sometimes when you PURGE your drawing it bloats right back up or gives errors again after you re-open it.  This can happen due to the XREFs and a variable in AutoCAD.

Using PURGE only purges the current drawing, we can do that for the current drawing and ALL XREFs.  Say you had 18 XREFs, some are nested, some are used multiple times, so which ones do you clean up first?

Reusing drawings or blocks that have problems in them can cause errors, crashes and drawing bloat.


Here are a few steps to help you get things cleaned up quickly and help prevent some bloating due to “Registered Applications” (REGAPPS).  It can reduce file size and may increase performance.
First, this setting in AutoCAD will help. To reduce RegApps being inherited from XREFs in the future, set XREFREGAPPCTL = 1.
Next.  Use the RECOVERALL command to open your drawing and use the ETRANSMIT command.
Here’s a simple example:
Enter the ETRANSMIT command.
Check the boxes for the parent and all XREFs, then click the “Transmittal Setups…” button.
Click “Modify…”
Now we get to the meat and potatoes!
Above is where it all gets interesting.

I’d recommend you use the above settings.  Although, your path will be different.  Maybe use C:\Autodesk.

Click “Ok”

Next, click “Close”

Click “Ok” to create the file.

Try it first without the “Purge” selection and then again with the Purge selected.  Check the file sizes of the .zip file.

Once saved you can extract the files and go back and rename the original files and copy the new ones into the original location.

If the drawing bloating continues, then you may also want to use:

If those do not help, then it’s time to call in the cavalry.  We can help.

From Help:

The RECOVERALL command recovers or audits DWG, DWT, and DWS files.

In the Select File dialog box (a standard file selection dialog box), enter the drawing file name or select the damaged drawing file.

The selected drawing file and all attached xrefs, including all nested xrefs, are opened, repaired, resaved, and closed.

• Drawing files are saved in the current drawing file format.

• Copies of the original drawing files are saved as BAK files.

• If the object enabler is present, custom objects are updated.

Only the necessary regapp records are copied to the host drawing, which usually results in none being copied. Note: The XREFREGAPPCTL system variable only applies to DWG xrefs, not to other external references such as underlays.

Created by Jeff Lotan - IMAGINiT Technologies Technical Support

About the Author

Jeff Lotan

Sr. Technical Support Specialist - Licensing<br><br>I am charged with mentoring and training team members in the proper use our systems and tools, documenting NSC processes, and providing feedback and ideas to the management team towards improving the customer experience. I am also a major contributor to our technical support blog and internal knowledge base.

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