AutoCAD Electrical Find and Replace Tool


You have a project with one or more components that you need to update the information for and manually making the edits is impractical.  You may find this need if you happen to copy an existing project or get a project from a client.


Manual edits can be error prone and time consuming so utilizing the built in capabilities of AutoCAD Electrical can reduce both the number of errors made and the amount of time the modifications will take.


Navigate to the Schematic Tab>Edit Component Panel>Choose Flyout as shown to find the “Find/Edit/Replace Component Text” tool.

After selecting the tool, choose the scope of the command as shown.

After choosing the scope, you can then choose from a variety of combinations for “Finding”, “Editing”, or “Replacing” data on components in the Active Project.

In the example above, the “Find” and “Replace” options have been chosen for both Installation and Location codes.  The condition of “All” has been set as well, so the resulting requirements are shown at the bottom of the dialog so you can see what requirements must be met for the tool to find and replace the information you specify.

Try varying your settings to get the most efficiency and accuracy from your project edits.

About the Author

Heath White

Sr. Technical Support Specialist, Manufacturing

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