In Inventor 2022 drawing files, a client reported that they randomly see duplicates of End Fill symbols when printing drawings.
The duplicate End Fill prints at random locations on the sheet and at a smaller scale than the original.
This happens when printing to a printer or exporting the drawing to PDF or DWF files.
It occurs consistently with the same models in new drawings as well.
Duplicate End Fill prints at random locations on the sheet:
Drawing using a custom template:
A new drawing file using a standard template with the same model:
The problem occurs with some data sets only and was confirmed by Autodesk in this article as Incident ID 54174:
Until there's a update that fixes the problem copying the entire drawing sheet to another drawing seems to fix it.
In the Model Browser right-click on the Sheet and select 'Copy':
In the new drawing file right-click anywhere in the Model Browser or in the graphics window and select 'Paste'.
If you don't need view shading in your printouts, removing the view shading on all the sheet drawing views fixed it in the drawings that were tested.
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