You receive the following error trying to activate the IMAGINiT Utilities software:
IMAGINiT Utilities Reprise Licensing issue was detected. License Error Code: -37
Additional information may be available in the RepriseLM End-User Guide.
Per the documentation:
Error code: -37
Reason: License start date in the future.
The start date in the license hasn't occurred yet, e.g., today you try to check out a license containing start=1-mar-2030.
You notice that when you look at the license file it has a "start=" date of tomorrow.
If you open the license file in notepad you can see the start date:
LICENSE rand vaultclientutilities 2023 14-jun-2024 uncounted
hostid=host=My_PC start=05-jun-2023
options=F57A8-251ck=c7a963e537 sig="60P0452S6VDP5FT5
Why this happens:
The server which generates the license is in Eastern Time.
When the license is generated, it puts in (today) for the start date.
But when you hit midnight in Eastern time, and authorize a license in California, then (today) becomes (tomorrow)
Once the start date arrives it will work.
IF that start date is more than 1 day into the future, please log a support case by emailing the problem to us at and include the authcode.
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More Content by Jeff Lotan