BIM 360 Design: Activating, Setting up a Project, Activating Services and Permissions

November 1, 2018 Cherisse Biddulph

In order to utilize the Collaboration for Revit with the new BIM 360 site, you need to:

  • Verify you have been assigned to a seat of BIM 360 Design, Docs or Team by following this blog: How to assign users to the Autodesk Software.
  • Activate your BIM 360 Design contract. (see below for steps)
  • Create a project. (see below for steps)
  • Activate the Document Management and Design collaboration services. (see below for steps)
  • Adding project members. (see below for steps)
  • Setting permissions. (see below for steps)

Activate your BIM 360 contract

You should've gotten an email from Autodesk asking you to activate your BIM 360 Design contract. if you didn't or you don't know go to the BIM 360 Activation site and fill out the form. Check the box to agree and click Activate Account.

Bim 360 activation form

If successful, you will see that you have successfully activated your account. From here, you will need to wait for an email from Autodesk and click on the blue button "Activate your account". This will take you to the BIM 360 site were you will sign in with your Autodesk user name and password.

If you get an error or you are not sure if its been activated already follow this blog: How to verify if your BIM 360 Design contract is activated for the new BIM 360 site.


Adding members

After you have activated your BIM 360 Design contract you will sign into the BIM 360 Site .

Because you activated your contract you are the company's site Account Admin. You will see the Account Admin module in the upper left corner.

BIM 360 account admin module

 Along the top of the site you will have tabs. Projects, Members Companies, Analytics, Settings and Apps

BIM 360 account admin tabs

First go to the Members tab and add all users who will eventually be added to projects. You can add users one by one or add them using an excel file.

It is extremely important that you add at least one other user as an Account Admin for backup purposes or if the original Account Admin was to leave the company.

BIM 360 add memebers

When adding users manually you will have the option to add company and role. Company should be your company name that is also the site name. The role you can give them to control permissions. See Autodesk help on roles:

Create a Project

Click on the Project tab and click on the Add button.

BIM 360 add project

In the Create project Profile enter information making sure to add information in the boxes with an asterisk * next to it i.e. Project Name, Project Type, Project start and end Date and BIM.

When you are finished click on Save and Continue button.

Activate your services

After you have created your project you will now need to activate the two pieces of your contract. For the BIM 360 Design you will activate the Document Management (gives you access to the BIM 360 site) and the Design Collaboration (allows you to open projects in Revit)

First click on the Activate button for Document management. You will see two things in there:

"Copy project settings" (using an existing project like a template) and "Please assign a project administrator" which you can add yourself or another user or multiple project administrators.

Next click on Activate button for Design Collaboration and enter in the Project Administrators.

When finished activating scroll to the bottom and click the Finish button.  

BIM 360 activate services

When your project shows in the list of projects click on it. You will now see Project Members this is where you will add users that you added within the Account Admin Members section.

You will click the Add button and enter the user(s) names that you want to add to the project. If the name is red then that means they're not in the Account Admin list of members and can't be added. You will need to add the users that  you can and go back to the Account Admin module to add the users.

BIM 360 add memebers list

Make sure the user has the correct company, Roles and Member access for Document Management and Design Collaboration. You will notice you have the ability to make a user a Project Admin here as well.

BIM 360 project memeber icons

If you hover over the icons you can see what they are:

BIM 360 Design Collaboration icon BIM 360 document management icon

Once you have added your users click on the Add to Project button in the upper right side.

 If you have to go back to the Account Admin module you will click on the Module pull-down icon  BIM 360 module icon

 Now that you have added your project members  you now need to create folders and edit the folder permissions.

How to create Project Folders and set permissions

Using the Module pull-down switch to Document Management.

BIM 360 switch with module

In Document Management right click on Project Files and select Add Subfolder. Create your folder structure.

BIM 360 document management folders

When your folder structure is setup you will need to setup permissions. On the folder that you want a particular user to have permissions to and right click > select Permissions.

Enter your users name and edit their permission level.

BIM 360 permissions

Review the Permission levels:

BIM 360 permissions level

Verify with your users that they can access the project via the website and they can see the project through Revit.

How to invite user's outside your company

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