ACC Shared Coordinate Best Practice

April 2, 2024 Gregory Lee


Setting up the shared coordinates for Autodesk Construction Cloud models differs from setting them up for local network project models, leading to confusion among model authors and resulting in uncoordinated model positions.


Minor differences in setting up shared coordinates for local network project models versus Autodesk Construction Cloud models have caused confusion and coordination issues.


The baseline for setting up shared coordinates for Autodesk Construction Cloud models is similar to setting them up for local network projects. However, there is a key distinction – local network projects allow the push of shared coordinates from the master model to all linked models, while Autodesk Construction Cloud models do not permit this method. The only way to set the shared coordinate is by acquiring it from the linked master model containing the shared coordinate.

The following step-by-step guides explain how to set up shared coordinates:

Setting up the Master Model:

The master model is the Revit model that will contain shared coordinates, influencing the coordinated position for all models from different parties.

  1. Turn on the Internal Origin Point, Base point, and Survey point under the Site Category from Visibility Graphic.                                                                                       
  2. Temporarily change the project unit to survey feet for accuracy, using, for example, US Survey Feet with three decimal places.       
  3. Select the survey point and unclip it.                                                                                                                              
  4. If the model requires a survey elevation change, use the Relocate Project command to adjust the model elevation.                                                                                                                                                                            
  5. Once the model is positioned accordingly, set up a grid and level in the site model that aligns with the building model.                                                                                                                                                     
  6. Publish the shared coordinate for the site model.                                                                                           
  7. After publishing, open the Location and Site from the Manage tab, and rename the site.    
  8. Sync the model to the cloud and close it.
  9. Open the building model (Model A) and insert the site model as a link using internal origin to origin (or center to center, depending on the model).                                                                     
  10. Use visibility control to enable internal origin to origin, project base point, and survey point.
  11. Move the linked site model and align it with the building model (Model A) using floor plans and sections.                                                                                                                                                                   
  12. Acquire coordinates from the linked site model.
  13. Verify that the survey point is aligned with the linked site model.                                                           
  14. After acquiring the shared coordinate, open the Location and Site from the Manage tab, and rename the site.                                                                                                                                                           
  15. Sync to the cloud and close the building model.
  16. Open the interior model (Model B) and repeat steps 10–15.
  17. All buildings are now sharing a single shared coordinate published in the site model.                          

The master model can be any model, but I will use the site model as the master model. If your Civil team is responsible for setting up the site, please refer to: 

Shared Coordinate Best Practice - Part 1

Shared Coordinate Best Practice - Part 2

Shared Coordinate Best Practices - Part 3

About the Author

Gregory Lee

Sr Technical Support Specialist<br><br> Skilled in AutoCAD, Mixed-use, Renovation, Revit, and Sustainable Design. Strong arts and design professional with a BA in Urban design focused in Architecture from University of Washington.

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