IMAGINiT Utilities License Error Code: -6 'WRONG VERSION' error

October 6, 2023 Jeff Lotan


You are trying to run/activate an IMAGINiT Utilities license and receive a License Error Code: -6 'WRONG VERSION'.

For our Utilities for Revit, it may state:

A Licensing issue was detected.
License Error Code: -6
'WRONG VERSION' error: While you have a license for IMAGINiTRvtUtilities, it is not for version 2024.


This problem can happen for a few reasons.

  1. Old existing license file expired and the new one is below the old one and it won’t recognize the new license.
  2. You’ve installed a newer version of our Utilities but using an older Authcode to activate.
  3. You are trying to activate an older version of our Utilities with a newer Authcode.
  4. Bad install.  Example: you leave Revit open and try to install the newer software.  It typically will not be able to update the current install.


There are two things to try:

  1. Remove the existing license and try activating again.
  2. Generate the Authcode again and use the Authcode/Software from the email you receive to install again.

Remove the existing license and activate again:

The license error dialog should show you where to find the license.  You will need to scroll down a little bit in the dialog to find it.

It should look something like this for our Utilities for Revit 2024:

Target License File: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\IMAGINiT.RevitUtils.bundle\Contents\Utilities\IMAGINiT.lic

I recommend you delete the old license file or put it on the desktop.

Then try activating again.

If that activation still gives the -6 Wrong Version, then we probably have a bad install or a mis-match between the version installed and the Authcode being used.

Generate the Authcode again and use the Authcode/Software from the email you receive to install again.

Licensing Mis-Match Example:
You have our Utilities for Revit 2022-2018 freshly installed and you try to activate the Utilities for Revit 2024-2018, the 2024 Authcode.

A Licensing issue was detected. 
License Error Code: -6
'WRONG VERSION' error: While you have a license for IMAGINiTRvtUtilities, it is not for version 2024.

Generate the most up to date Authcode:

Go to and generate our Utilities for Civil 3D (most current version) or our Utilities for Revit  (most current version).

You should receive an automated email with the link to download the Utilities AND the Authcode.

NOTE:  The download AND the Authcode go together.

Example of the automated email:

Install from that download and use the new authcode to generate the network license or activate the standalone. The Utilities installers will install & run in the older versions of Civil 3D and Revit too.  

  1. Download this .zip file and unblock it (right click the .zip and go to properties, then check the "Unblock" box and click Apply).
  2. Extract it into the C:\Autodesk folder.
  3. Exit all versions of Revit/Civil 3D on the machine.
  4. Uninstall our Utilities for Revit/Civil 3D from Control Panel.
  5. Still out of Revit/Civil 3D, use the above download that you extracted to install.
  6. When you receive the licensing dialog, use the Authcode from the new email to activate it (standalone).  If it’s for a network version, then you’ll need to use the Authcode in the Reprise License Manager on the server to have the correct version of the license.   

How to Add Additional Licenses to the IMAGINiT Reprise License File

About the Author

Jeff Lotan

Sr. Technical Support Specialist - Licensing<br><br>I am charged with mentoring and training team members in the proper use our systems and tools, documenting NSC processes, and providing feedback and ideas to the management team towards improving the customer experience. I am also a major contributor to our technical support blog and internal knowledge base.

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