DXF CAM files, DXF sheet metal flat pattern files and STP file exports from Inventor (in the STEP format - Standard for the Exchange of Product Data) are specialized exports for production that are not as common in Vault as DWF or PDF files.
Typically, production needs these files as soon as they are made available.
If the Job Processor that is processing a large number of DWF, PDF, or property sync jobs is also processing the time-sensitive DXF and STP files, they could be delayed while the more common jobs are run first. Since DWF, PDFs, DXF and STP jobs all have the same priority 10, they will run in the order in which each job is created.
If the time-sensitive DXF CAM and flat pattern and STP jobs are run on another Job Processor that will only run those jobs, they can be completed sooner than if those jobs are mixed with other jobs.
So a Job Processor can be designated for the DXF and STP files by excluding all other job types and by also excluding the STP and DXF jobs from other Job Processors.
When the Job Types are compared under the Administration menu, you can see what Job Processors are configured to enable the DXF and STP jobs. The other Job Processor(s) do not list the DXF and STP job types.
With the IMAGINiT Vault Client Utilities installed, there is a config file named IMAGINiT.VaultJobs.vcet.config that can be edited to control what jobs the Job Processor can do on that workstation. That config file is located here, for Vault 2025:
C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Vault 2025\Extensions\IMAGINiT.VaultJobs\IMAGINiT.VaultJobs.vcet.config
Note: For Vault Pro 2020 through 2024 with the IMAGINIT Utilities for Vault Client 2025-2020 installed, the config file will be in that Job Processor's Vault client version (for example, 'Vault 2024\Extensions') with the last two digits of the product year in the config name, like 'IMAGINiT.VaultJobs24.vcet.config', for example.
To exclude those jobs for a Job Processor that will not be running DXF and STP jobs:
- First, close the Job Processor from Files > Exit and close the Vault Client if it is open.
- Make a copy of the IMAGINiT.VaultJobs.vcet.config and add 'DEF' to the end of the original version so it's saved as the 'Default' version, like IMAGINiT.VaultJobs.vcet.config.DEF.
- Paste the copy and open it in Notepad or NotePad++ to edit.
- Locate the shaded sections above and either snip each shaded section out or comment each section out with <!-- before <extension> and --> after </extension>, like this (with an optional commented note above the section):
To exclude those jobs for a Job Processor that will be only running DXF and STP jobs:
- Do the same as above but leave only the shaded sections after the
Section, and before the
Section, like this (for the Vault 2025 edition):
Once the Job Processor is restarted, it will show only the Jobs that it can do after the edits were made in the config file.
Tip: Save a copy of the edited config file in a safe location in case the utilities are updated or reinstalled.
Note: On the Job Processors with only DXF and STP jobs enabled, there may be Autodesk Vault jobs still enabled that are not IMAGINIT jobs, such as:
If these jobs are enabled in Lifecycle Transitions, rather than their IMAGINiT counterparts, they may slow down the completion of the DXF and STP jobs. To remove those jobs from the dedicated DXF and STP Job Processor, use the IMAGINiT transition jobs for the same tasks.
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