Note: This solution is only available in Vault Professional 2024 and newer releases.
The Vault Server is hosting multiple databases and the there is a need to transfer/archive one or more databases with their respective file stores, but not all databases will be included.
Example Scenario:
One of several databases is a large historical database with a large file store that causes the full backup to take 60 hours to complete. In this scenario, users still need to periodically access the historical database but are prevented from making any changes or additions to its records.
The objective is twofold:
1. Create an archive backup of the historical database and file store for disaster recovery needs
2. Modify the nightly script file to only backup the active Vault Databases and Custom Content Center Library databases
Archive\Transfer Backup
To solve this challenging issue, we will make use of a new backup feature introduced in Vault 2024 that allows us to select which databases we will backup.
Start the Vault Backup and Restore Wizard and select Backup.
Select the “More” button for the Vault/Libraries field and chose the databases you want to backup from the list. If Custom Content Center Libraries are to be included, you will need to select them from the list as well.
· Deselecting the switch “Backup Standard Content Center Libraries” will prevent any Standard Content Center Libraries from being backed up including any Custom Content Center Libraries.
· Selecting the switch “Backup Standard Content Center Libraries” will backup all Standard Content Center Libraries but not any Custom Content Center Libraries.
Backup Scripts
The next objective is to create/modify the nightly backup script such that it only backs up the current production Vault and any Create a nightly backup of only the active Vault database and file store. To do this we will use the new “-N” switch in the script to identify the databases to be backed up. Repeat the “-N” switch for each database to be included in the backup.
Format: -Ndatabase_name
Connectivity.ADMSConsole.exe -Obackup -B"C:\Target Path\backup" -Nname1 -Nname2 -VUadministrator -VP -S -L“C:\Target Path\logs"
· The -DBSC is still needed to exclude Standard Content Center Libraries
· Custom Content Center Libraries will need to be specified
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