Comparing InfoDrainage and Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA)

When it comes to drainage design and analysis, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. Two powerful contenders in this arena are InfoDrainage and Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA). Each of these software solutions brings its own set of capabilities and features to the table. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the strengths of both InfoDrainage and SSA, shedding light on which one suits your drainage design needs.

Drainage Design Type:

  • InfoDrainage: Supports both traditional drainage design using pipes, channels, junctions, and manholes, as well as sustainable drainage solutions.
  • SSA:  Covers traditional drainage design, including pipes, channels, junctions, and manholes.


  • InfoDrainage: Utilizes the SWMM 5.x engine and multi-threading processor support.
  • SSA: Includes the SWMM 4 engine and is single-thread only.
  • Both offer multi-threaded simulation for faster analysis.
  • Both provide the capability for unlimited simulations.


  • InfoDrainage: Offers several hydrology methods and includes interconnection with the NOAA precipitation data frequency server.
  • SSA: Supports common North American hydrology methods, but requires manual input for precipitation data.

Critical Storm Identification:

  •  InfoDrainage: Can quickly identify the critical storm for each design element based on both return period and temporal distribution.
  • SSA: Can run multiple storms simultaneous but requires manual review to compare each result to determine the critical storm.

1D/2D Analysis:

  • InfoDrainage: Delivers both traditional one-dimensional as well as advanced two-dimensional analysis.
  • SSA: Only performs one-dimensional analysis.

In conclusion, both InfoDrainage and SSA are robust tools for drainage analysis and design, each with its own strengths and features. As drainage design continues to evolve, it's clear that InfoDrainage is leading the way. By combining cutting-edge technology, a sustainability-driven approach, and a user-friendly interface, InfoDrainage empowers engineers and designers to create drainage solutions that are not only effective but also environmentally responsible.

For more detailed information and to explore these capabilities further, check out the official flyer here. Make an informed decision to elevate your drainage design projects to the next level!

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