C3D: Code Set Styles (part 1) - Layout & Review

November 18, 2022 Leo Lavayen

In this post we review the configuration for Assembly code sets objects and label display for:

  • Plan View Layout
  • Section View Editor

For display purposes, in these scenarios I favor Markers and Links being labels and Shapes filled in with unique hatch patterns.  The items controlled here are:

LABELS (link and markers)
Varying Label heights can be assigned, as the drawing scale is usually larger than 1:1, as an example 1:40 shown below.  Text becomes cluttered in model space at default large scales, correct when plotted from layout tabs.
The solution shown here is to create a duplicate “PLOT” (0.6) and smaller “VIEW EDIT” (0.1) label styles shown below:

The smaller text heights can be assigned for Layout or Section Editor situations.  Shown below how to launch the Section Editor command from the contextual corridor ribbon: 

Once you activate Section Editor tools from the new contextual ribbon > select the View Edits Options > scroll down to Default Styles > select the desired Code Set Style.  Larger font shown below using the out of the box “All Codes”

If a smaller, more legible text height is desired the correct Code Set is to be used.  A smaller font shown below default “View Edit with Shading”. 

As previously mentioned, exaggerated model space section heights are scaled back when plots are created.  Plotting will be covered in another post in this series.

SHAPES (patterns)
While hatch patterns in Plotted Section Views may not be desired, they could prove useful for Layout and Review situations.  Hatches can help differentiate the materials and areas.

However, the out of the box default Code Set Styles are Solid fill hatched areas, if they were to be printed, they would more than likely be solid fill in tones of gray or black (as shown below):

With configuration the solid pattern can be set to use an AutoCAD hatch pattern to tell a better story.  As an example, the “Gravel” shape style is shown below: 

When fill patterns have been set in the Shape Styles, they  can be assigned in the Code Set Style.

The different patterns help provide a better visual representation of design parameters during layout and review.

Once you achieve the desired look, they will need to be set as defaults for their respective commands.  At time some digging will have to be done to find exactly where the defaults are hiding:

    The default can be set from the Prospector > Settings tab >right click on Assembly collection > Edit Feature Settings... > from dialog box > Default styles > select code set:

    The default is a bit buried, from the Prospector > Settings tab > expand Corridor collection > expand Commands collection > right click on View Edit Corridor Section collection > from dialog box > Default Styles > select code set:

I find this set up desirable in my Civil 3D configurations. Want some help getting your configurations just right? The IMAGINiT team can help.

Previous Article
C3D: Code Set Styles (part 2) - Corridors
C3D: Code Set Styles (part 2) - Corridors

Part TWO of working with Code Set Styles in Civil 3D: Corridors

Next Article
Civil 3D: Alignment Labels that Flip Out, Part Deux
Civil 3D: Alignment Labels that Flip Out, Part Deux

Flipping Alignment Text and Block Components to the outside


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