Get more from Civil 3D with IMAGINiT Utilities - Q&A Session

October 24, 2019 IMAGINiT Technologies

Date:  Wednesday, October 23, 2019

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Q: ­Do you also include the licensing to use a Google image in a plan set? ­

A: We do not provide licensing for Google images, but this helpful link should explain how to use google images and any attribution that may be required.

Q: ­Does the import from Google automatically recognize the coordinate system that your drawing in or do you have to set it as you would with geolocation?­

A: It should recognize the coordinate system as long as everything is set to grid.

Q: ­How much do the C3D utilities cost if we do not have an active subscription with IMAGINiT?­

A: MSRP $345 for standalone, $995 for network.  Consult your sales representative about potential promotions or savings.  

Q: ­Can you create a surface and profile from this Google image?­

A: Not from the image but you have three options for importing the image: image only, terrain only, or image and terrain.  If an option with terrain is selected you will have the ability to create profiles and surfaces.

Q: ­Which tools are available for C3D 2016? ­Which storm sewer options are only in 2020? Can we use the pipe grading in 2019?­

A: The image illustrates the tools included with each release.  Currently, the 2018-2020 are available on the website.  If you’re interested in earlier versions send an email to with your email address, preferred license type, and the release year. 

Q: ­Will the sump on the structures update automatically?­

A: Sumps will not update automatically. Sumps are based on rules inside of Civil 3D. The sumps will remain based on those rules but you do have the option in toolsets to apply rules after.

Q: ­Why don't the structures go to the bottom of the pipe?­

A: The presenter is using an older drawing with older parts in the newest release of Civil 3D. The problem is likely caused by the inconsistency between releases, not the utility.

Q: ­You used a feature line from a corridor to demonstrate the stakeout offset tool. How does it handle an offset to the outside of a curve since the feature line is all tangents?­

A: It should be perpendicular to the curve.

Q: ­Can you create points on a pipe network­

A: Not at this time.  The only option available today are points from a feature line. 

Q: ­Do you have a tool to insert wye/tee along a sanitary sewer pipe for services?­

A: Not at this time.

Q: Where do you access previous webinars?

A: Webinars are hosted on IMAGINiT’s YouTube Channel.  You can subscribe to the channel to receive notifications when new videos are available.  You can also visit the new IMAGINiT Resource Center containing past webinars and other content such as blog posts, whitepapers, and more.

Q: ­Do you need to draw the lines in Google earth first then import them as a KMZ file?­

A: Yes, this is used to consume the data from Google Earth, so you would want to start there first.  

Q: ­How does the stakeout offset tool know which alignment to set points perpendicular? It appears to set perpendicular to the feature line.­

A: Create Offset Point does work off the feature line. Auto Label Offset creates alignment labels when you set the alignment. In Civil 3D you have the option to create a feature line from an alignment or profile which you could then use with the Create Offset Point tool.

Q: ­What about going from civil to google then back regarding linework when sharing company to company?­

A: It is linework rather than smart objects, but you should be able to roundtrip with export to KML.

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Add IMAGINiT 2020 Utilities to a deployment
Add IMAGINiT 2020 Utilities to a deployment

Add the IMAGINiT 2020 Utilities to a deployment

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Get more from Civil 3D with IMAGINiT Utilities

Get more from Civil 3D with IMAGINiT Utilities for Civil 3D. See all the tools in the collection from 2016...

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