New Dialog for Corridor Target Mapping in Civil 3D 2022.1

March 15, 2022 Brian Johnson

Autodesk has introduced a new dialog and features for corridor target mapping with the release of Civil 3D 2022.1. The new look may seem a bit confusing at first, but only because we have been accustomed to the previous version. The overall workflow is simplified by removing the secondary dialogs for selecting the object targets and incorporating that process into a single primary dialog and adding additional features.

When a cell is selected to set a target, the bottom of the dialog is populated with target objects that are available to be used. This new version of the dialog is modeless, meaning it can stay open while you work. Selected subassembly rows will display the objects that are related in that row as highlighted in the drawing space. There are tabs at the top for Offset and Elevation targets as well as Surface targets. This workflow seems to have improved efficiency and made it easier to identify the available target objects.

New features have been introduced that help redundant application of targets. Right click on a subassembly and a context menu is displayed with commands to copy and paste targets between subassemblies. Copy and paste also works between offset and elevation parameters. In addition, zoom and pan to commands are available.

An issue when corridors are complex and contain a mountain of information is identifying the intended parameters among a list of many. How many times have you made an edit, rebuilt the corridor, then realized you edited the wrong parameter because now the corridor looks like a pretzel? New is a way to filter information simply by selecting the arrow next to the heading for the data you want to filter on. There is a search box as well as the ability to check on or off known data in the cells.

Hopefully you will find this improved workflow and additional functionality useful. Let us know your thoughts.

About the Author

Brian Johnson

Civil Applications Expert<br><br>With extensive experience in both engineering and IT, Brian helps organizations make the most of their design technology. Whether it’s through a custom setup, training, implementation, or creation of organization-specific templates and styles, Brian helps both users and managers understand the best methods and processes to get the most from their chosen solutions.

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