AutoCAD Tricks & Treats!

AutoCAD Tricks & Treats

A special Spooktacular webcast filled with AutoCAD tips and Halloween fun!

In this holiday AutoCAD video we will review some scary helpful tips. They will be drop dead helpful in your software. Enhancing your efficiency and speed up your drafting performance.

In this video here's what to expect:

- Learn the TOP #20 AutoCAD practices you may not have known exist
- Discover the best uses for less common AutoCAD commands
- Remedy those FREAKY repetitive tasks

About the Author

Jason Smith

Jason Smith is an Autodesk Technical Instructor with over 7 years of experience in the field. He specializes in providing technical instruction for BIM using Autodesk software such as Revit, AutoCAD, and Navisworks. His expertise is invaluable for architects and architectural services, helping professionals harness the full potential of these powerful design and construction tools.

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