This guide covers a step-by-step process for creating a family with a detailed description to help you through this difficult task. After completing this guide, you will be able to apply the same logic to create a variety of different advanced families for project needs. This guide is for users who understand how to build a basic Revit family and apply parameters to control the family.
The guide is divided into 6 sections:
- Assessing family structure of Door-Passage-Single-Flush.rfa.
- Adding Door Swing Parameter.
- Creating Door Panel Family.
- Creating Door Accessary Family.
- Adding Door Panel Swap parameter.
- Modifying Door Handle Family.
Adding door panel family swap parameters:
I will go over adding different door panel types that can be swappable using parameters.
- Save the Door-Passage-Single-Flush.rfa as a new family and name it as Door-Passage-Single.rfa.
- Rename the door panel to Flush Door Panel from Project Browser.
- Select the door panel family and click Edit family button from Ribbon.
- Edit the extrusion and create a narrow lite as shown on the example.
- Save the family as Narrow light Door Panel.
- Load it into Door-Passgae-Single.rfa family as a nested family.
- Select the door family and select add parameter under label below the ribbon.
- Create a new type parameter called Door Panel Type.
- Load the family into the project and test it.
- Adding swapping door panel causes interior door handles to lose its host face.
- Door handle family can only retain one main surface if the panel is to be swappable.
- Door handle family needs to be updated so it can work with the new added parameter. This will be covered later in this manual.
- Add a few more reference planes and parameters to control the narrow light. Set the reference planes to be Not a Reference. This would prevent the family from being snapped when inserted into the project.
- Apply material parameters to the door panel and glazing for the narrow light.
- Nest the door panel family into the door family.
- Map the door panel parameters to the door family parameters.
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