Vault Item Number Rename


After an Item was created, it was discovered that the Item Number that was initially created from the Inventor file’s File Name/Part Number was incorrect. How do you correct the Item Number, File Name & Part Number without deleting the Item and/or files thus losing the Item’s/File’s history and possibly relationships to other Items?

The solutions below will address 2 scenarios:

1.       The values for the Item Number, Part Number & File Name values must match.

2.       The values for the Item Number & Part Number must match, and the file name value is kept unique.


To solve this, an understanding of how the Item Numbers are created when using the “Mapped” (default) Item Numbering schema may be helpful.

The intention of the Mapped numbering schema is to use the file property “Part Number” from AutoCAD and Inventor allowing us to establish the “Part Number” value while creating the file and to take further advantage of the out-of-the-box Inventor configuration that synchronizes the file name value with the iProperty “Part Number”.

Item Numbers use the Vault system property “Number”. By default, “Number” is configured as shown in the below images:

When a new Item is created using the “Mapped” Item Number schema, Vault retrieves the property value from the properties listed under Settings. This value is then used to generate the initial Item Number value.

The Vault Item Number is then kept in sync with the Inventor “Part Number” values by pushing the Number value to the files per the mappings configured. 


1.       This mapping will update the Inventor “Part Number” if the value does not match the Item Number value when updating the Item record. 

2.       If other file types need to keep their “Part Number” in sync with the Item Number, edit the property mappings and add the mappings for those properties.


To change the Item Number, we will want to use the “Change Number” action for Items. But first we will need to update the model’s file name and/or part number to the correct values.

Before starting either workflow, verify that the Item to be addressed is in an editable lifecycle state (Work in Progress).

Workflow 1:

Solution if the Item Number, Part Number & File Name values must match.

  1. Update the File Name and Part Number of the Inventor model file using File Rename with Part Number Update option selected.  
  2. Goto the Item in question and update the Item if the “File Link State” icon indicates that it is out of date
  3. Right mouse click on the Item and select “Change Number” from the menu
  4. From the Numbering Scheme drop down choose “<use property mapping>” (This will use the system property “Number” settings to re-read the updated “Part Number” property.)
  5. Click OK

Workflow 2:

Solution if the Item Number & Part Number values must match, and the file name value is kept unique.

This workflow is a little more complex and requires that the user has the Vault Administrator role.

1.       Log in to Vault as an Administrator

2.       Open the Vault Property Definitions tool and navigate to the System property “Number”

3.       Remove the mapping(s) to the “Part Number” property.

4.       Navigate to file in Vault and correct the “Part Number” value

5.       Goto the Item in question and update the Item if the “File Link State” icon indicates that it is out of date

6.       Right mouse click on the Item and select “Change Number” from the menu

7.       From the Numbering Scheme drop down choose “<use property mapping>” (This will use the system property “Number” settings to re-read the updated “Part Number” property.)

8.       Click OK

9.       After completing the updates, return the Property Definitions tool and navigate to the System property “Number”

10.    Reset the Mappings to the original mappings.

About the Author

Hal Carruthers

Manufacturing Applications Expert<br><br>Hal has been working closely with clients since 1997 to develop and deliver integrated solutions utilizing Autodesk products including AutoCAD, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD Mechanical, Inventor and Vault. His qualifications range from mechanical design engineering to pre-sales and post-sales consulting for the integration of mechanical software solutions. Hal has over 15 years of mechanical design experience in a variety of industry disciplines. He has worked as a Product Design Engineer to design, develop, fabricate and test new surgical instruments for use in Endoscopic and Open Surgery, specific applications for product use include: vessel ligation, wound closure, endoscopic instrumentation and specialty surgical devices. Hal has been awarded two U.S. Patents for medical devices he developed. Additionally during his tenure, Hal developed and maintained Engineering Documentation and CAD Standards and provided CAD product training and support for all users and new hires.

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