Inventor launch time with iLogic pathed to a network location

Inventor takes a long time to launch after loading iLogic External Rules from a Network location. In this situation, Inventor launches within a normal time period after it is first installed and launched. Once the External Rules for the Advanced iLogic Configuration are pathed to a location on the network, using either UNC path or a mapped drive letter, Inventor will take a long time to launch. There are no error dialog boxes to accompany this problem. The images below display how to access the Advanced iLogic Configuration and External Rule directories.

Using the Inventor Reset Utility to reset Inventor to “out of the box” settings will remove the iLogic configuration and then Inventor launches normally again. 

This issue is related to how Inventor accesses data on a network path and is currently under investigation by Autodesk. This slow launching problem has been detected in Inventor Professional versions 2023, 2024, and 2025. Previous versions of Inventor were able to launch without any delays when External Rules were loaded from a network path.

Currently there is not a solution as this issue is under investigation by Autodesk Development. However, there is a workaround. 

The workaround is to copy the iLogic from the network path to a local folder on the user hard drive (C:\). Then path the External Rules to load from the local folder. Inventor will launch properly. 

About the Author

Shawn Heator

Technical Support Specialist

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