Decrease Turnover in the Utilities Sector with Effective Facilities Management Processes

January 12, 2023

Your Facilities Management (FM) group wears a lot of hats. There are the activities most people don’t see, like lease management and capital planning projects, and there are the results of activities that everyone can experience, like safety, cleanliness, and comfort. A strong FM group can also contribute to a work environment in which employees feel valued, which can impact morale, engagement, and the level of service they deliver to customers. Yes, salaries, benefits, and flexible work schedules are important, and so are responsiveness, empowerment, communications, and recognition. Effective FM processes can help in these areas and more. 

Why Now?

Three seemingly unrelated facts make now an ideal time for Utilities to look into strengthening their FM processes:

  1. Attracting and retaining top talent continues to be a focus of Utilities across the country.
  2. Often FM teams at Utilities struggle to respond appropriately to employee requests for office space or conference rooms, questions about equipment repairs, and concerns about safety compliance, because their teams were built at different times, in different locations, and they each use different technologies and follow different processes.  
  3. Many Utilities have inaccurate or even non-existent floor plans, which can increase employee interruptions as renovations are planned, implemented, and documented.

By addressing #2 and #3, Utilities demonstrate a focus on employee satisfaction, which helps address #1.  

Addressing FM Challenges with Archibus Software – A Solution That Grows with You

For many FM teams, the thought of transforming their entire operations with an integrated workplace management solution seems daunting. That’s why we recommend Archibus Software. Used to manage approximately 15 million properties around the world, it is proven to deliver as promised. And, because the software is made up of different modules, Utilities can start small and easily add functionality as resources permit or as needs change.

An Example – Alabama Power

To help ease some of the fears of embarking on an FM update project, we’re sharing the story of how Alabama Power, one of the nation’s largest producers of energy, worked with us to develop and implement a multi-year plan that transformed their FM departments into a cohesive group with real-time access to accurate information.

  • Watch a 45-minute presentation featuring Alabama Power’s Facilities Superintendent, Facilities Coordinator, and Project Manager discussing the challenges they faced, how they addressed those challenge with Archibus software, and IMAGINiT’s role.
  • Read a summary of Alabama’s FM transformation in this short article.

Next Steps

If information in multiple formats and locations is preventing you from delivering an outstanding employee experience, contact us to start a conversation. As experts in Archibus as well as Utilities, we can help you identify and secure the right modules for your current and anticipated needs, and we can deliver outstanding user training and ongoing support.

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