Creating a Template Pipe Fitting Repad Using Autodesk Inventor

What seems like a simple shape actually is a fairly complex loft. In this video we not only create the loft but setup the part so it can be used as a template for future repads. The part was created this way because a standard loft with rails would not maintain a consistent thickness. It would be very close but not exact. As such, the part will not flatten in the sheet metal environment. By starting with a constant thickness and cutting away from it we are left with a finished part with a uniform thickness.

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Site Development Workflow with Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite
Site Development Workflow with Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite

This 20 minute video provides an overview of workflows available for Site Development projects with the Aut...

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RV Manufacturer, Jayco boosts productivity by up to 70% with IMAGINiT Technologies and Autodesk
RV Manufacturer, Jayco boosts productivity by up to 70% with IMAGINiT Technologies and Autodesk

Project leader, Jason Bontrager tells how IMAGINIT's consulting and implementation support was instrumental...