How can I organize the Project Parameters in alphabetical order?


  • After creating multiple shared parameters and adding them to project parameters, they appear in alphabetical order in the project parameter dialog box but didn't stay in alphabetical order in the properties dialog. 
  • When a parameter is removed from the project and added back, Revit remembers its previous position in the list of parameter in properties dialog before it was removed and goes on to put it right back in the same position. 
  • What can be done to make the properties dialog sort project parameters in an A-Z or (Z-A) order. 

Revit product versions 2023 and below are designed so that project parameters are sorted by the date/time of creation in type and instance properties dialogs. This isn’t a bug but rather it is the way the software was designed to behave.

Upgrade to Revit version 2024.
As part of the new features in Revit 2024, project parameters are now sorted alphabetically in type and instance properties dialogs, notwithstanding when you created or added them to the project.
This means that you can also sort by using a number prefix to name your parameters in the order that you want them to appear in property dialogs.

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