How to Update Style Library Conflicts in Inventor 2019 Nesting Templates

September 5, 2018 IMAGINiT Technologies

We all have created a new Inventor part, assembly or drawing and encounter the dreaded Style Conflict dialog box informing you that the template does not agree with the project assigned style library.

Nesting Template Styles Update - Capture 1

There is an easy solution to this warning, and no, it is not to left click on “Prompts” and select “Do not show this message again ever”.  The solution is to open the template in a read-write environment and use the “Update” command, located under the Manage tab, Styles and Standards panel, to match the template styles to the project style library.

Nesting Template Styles Update - Capture 2

All is fine up to this point but then you open an Inventor 2019 Nesting Utility template and get the same warning.  No problem, you will use the same “Update” command and match the template styles to the styles library.  Then you notice, to your dismay, that the Ribbon does not contain a Styles and Standards panel and there is no “Update” command to synchronize the styles library to the template.  This is why this article has been written, to give you a method of correcting the template-styles conflict even if the command is not available.

To start the process, make a backup of your existing nesting template just in case you make a mistake since during the process you will be over-writing the problem template.  The process does not require you to be in any special project file because we are not writing to the styles library, we will be creating a brand-new template to replace the existing one.  Select the “New” command and select the problem nesting template creating a new nesting file. 

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You will receive the Style Conflict warning dialog box, select “OK” to continue.  The name of the file in not important at this point.  The next step is to select the “Sources” command from the Shapes panel on the Ribbon.

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In the Sources dialog box, select the “Add” icon.

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Browse out to any part file, in your project workspace, that was created and saved using a template file you know did not have a style conflict issue.  Select the file and then select “Open” in the lower left corner of the Select Source dialog box.

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You will probably will receive a Material Mapping warning, select “No” to continue.  You do not want to add the material to the template Process Material Library.

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Once the source part file has been processed, select “Ok” to finish the source process.

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The source file, you just added, has automatically updated all the styles in the nesting template so the source file is no longer needed and must be removed before saving the template.  Right click on the Geometry Sources entry on the Nesting panel and select “Delete All Sources” from the context menu.

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The next step is to select the File tab, then the “Save As” command and finally the “Save Copy as Template” routine.

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The command will automatically open the current Inventor Project file templates folder.  Browse to the nesting template that is experiencing the Styles Conflict issue, select it and left click “Save”.  Select “Yes” to allow the file to replace the existing nesting template.

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The process is complete, close the nesting file you created during the process without saving.  The next time you create a new nesting file, using the updated template, you will not receive the Style Conflict dialog box.  A side benefit of this method is that you will preserve all your template configuration settings including the Process Material Library which cannot be copied between templates.

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