Lifecycle Controlled Purges
When developing a Lifecycle, it is important to consider which historical record versions need to be maintained and which historical record versions can be purged from the database.
Lifecycles have the ability to control which record versions can be candidates for the Purge process. For each defined state in a Lifecycle, the Control tab determines which versions will be retained.
Below is the definition for each setting:
· All - No versions in this state are removed when a purge is performed. This option is recommended for states where not many versions are created or where each version is critical.
· First and Last - All versions in this state are removed during a purge, except the first and last versions in each series. Use this option for states where the changes between the first and last files are helpful.
· Last - All versions in this state are removed during a purge, except the last version in each series. This option is recommended for states where a record that the file was in the state is essential.
· None - No version in this state will be retained after the purge has been performed, except versions will be retained if they are consumed by a parent file.
These settings are applied to records for each Lifecycle State series.
A new file is added to the Vault and assigned the Lifecycle State “Work in Progress”. This starts the first collection series for “Work in Progress”. As the object undergoes multiple edits, new versions of edited object are added to the current “Work in Progress” series.
Once the changes are complete and the Lifecycle state is transitioned to the next state, the current “Work in Progress” series is completed, and a new state series is started. This process of ending and starting a series is repeated as the object is transitioned through the various Lifecycle States creating a scenario as illustrated below.
When setting the State to keep “First and last” versions in a series the illustration below shows the possible results of a purge. Notice that versions 2,4,6 & 11 were purged while versions 3 & 5 were retained due to relationships to other records that have not yet been purged.
Purge Guidelines
Here are some of the basic rules of purging from Autodesk:
- The current version cannot be purged.
- The latest version in a revision can't be purged (this revision is never removed). To remove a file and all its versions from a vault, use Delete.
- File versions that are Labeled can't be purged.
- Files that are currently checked out can have their older versions purged.
- Children with a dependent parent version cannot be purged until the parent version has been purged.
- The current version cannot be purged.
For Autodesk Vault Professional:
- File versions linked to items in Vault Professional cannot be purged. To remove a version linked to an item, the item must first be deleted from the item master.
- File versions marked as Controlled by the lifecycle definition may not be purged.
- Files are purged based on revision and lifecycle rules. Configure the Version Selection Criteria section in the Purge dialog to purge files that are not controlled by a lifecycle.
- Files without a revision scheme are considered a "null" revision and are not purgeable when configured with a lifecycle. To purge based on lifecycle control rules, a revision scheme must be assigned to the lifecycle, and the target of the purge must utilize the revision scheme.
- File versions linked to items in Vault Professional cannot be purged. To remove a version linked to an item, the item must first be deleted from the item master.
Purge Processes
The Vault database can be purged using the following methods:
· A global Purge from the Vault ADMS console.
The Purge utility allows the Vault Administrator to Purge files controlled by Revision and Lifecycle States or versions not controlled by Lifecycles. Either setting will apply to all files in the selected Vault database
· Individual or multiple record selections purge from the Vault client.
This process allows you to select records individually or as a group. After making your selection set, right mouse click to start the Purge Wizard.
Like the server purge utilitiy, you have the option to purge based on lifecycles and revisions or to purge uncontrolled versions.
· Selective Purge
A new Purge feature starting in Vault Professional 2025 is Selective Purge. This is a background process that the Vault Server runs every 24 hours to purge records that were identified by Vault users through specified Lifecycle State Changes or through the Purging of specific folders.
The Selective Purge process is an Action that is assigned to a record during the Lifecycle State Transitions.
The Selective Purge can also be assigned to records by selecting a folder and choosing “Purge” from the Right Mouse click menu.
Selective Purge Notes:
· Available in Vault 2025 or newer
· Purges are based on Lifecycle Control settings.
· Purges will occur at the time specified in the ADMS Server Task monitor.
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