Can't Save BOM Export Setup Edits in IMAGINiT Vault Client Utilities

April 22, 2020 Bob Felton


An error occurs when you edit the BOM Export Setup and attempt to save your edited settings.

This occurs after installing the IMAGINiT Utilities for Vault Client for any of the recent versions; 2018, 2019 or 2020.

The BOM Export Setup is accessed in the Vault Client under Tools > IMAGINiT Utilities, then select BOM Export: Admin.


In the BOM Export Setup screen that opens, select any of the available fields for BOM (Bill of Materials) properties to add and then click OK.


An Error Report dialog box opens and when the View button is clicked, a detailed crash report appears. The most notable message is this:

<ExceptionType xmlns="">Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.VaultServiceErrorException</ExceptionType>
<ExceptionMessage xmlns="">321</ExceptionMessage>
<ExceptionTarget xmlns="">Void HandleReturnMessage

What causes this error to appear is when a Vault replication subscriber is accessed with the Vault Client.

The confirmed solution is to log into the Vault replication publisher with the Vault Client. Then the correct permission will allow the edits to be saved.

About the Author

Bob Felton

Sr. Technical Support Specialist, Manufacturing<br><br>Bob Felton has been supporting Autodesk products for over 25 years including core AutoCAD, P&ID, Plant 3D, AutoCAD for Mac, AutoCAD Mechanical, and Vault. His background is in graphics with an Applied Sciences degree and ten years manufacturing experience drafting, as well as technical illustration, image editing, and even patent drafting.

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