Facilities Management: Industry in Transition

Data-Driven Facilities Management is a Growing Trend, But Does Your Organization Have High Quality Information?

Data is a double-edged sword for today’s facilities managers. It’s the key to optimizing building performance, yet very few facility managers have access to the high-quality information they need.

Poor data leads to wasted time and inefficiency

According to a 2023 survey conducted by Autodesk and the International Facility Management Association (IFMA), more than three quarters (85%) of building operators struggle with poor and fragmented data.

Many facility managers only have access to outdated data which makes it difficult to optimize building operations based on true conditions. Using spreadsheets and emails, for example, leads to errors, isolated data silos, and wasted time.

In fact, half of the facility managers who participated in the survey said they waste more than 10% of their time dealing with data that is fragmented and poor quality and nearly 25% waste over 20% of their time.

Yet, facilities managers see the promise of data-driven decision making

Despite the challenges associated with data quality, facilities managers increasingly depend on data to support decision making and to optimize operational processes. Data is critical for both gaining real-time insights and navigating new opportunities.

Over three-quarters of survey respondents (87%) indicated that they plan to use more data and analytics for informed decision making and to optimize facility performance based on current conditions, asset lifecycle information, and budget data. Around two-thirds (67%) said they plan to invest in creating more granular data insights.

Source: Digital Transformation in Building Operations, Autodesk

IMAGINiT understands how to improve the data that drives modern facilities management

If your organization wants to adopt data-driven facilities management practices, but your underlying information assets need improvement, IMAGINiT can help. We understand that facilities management is all about integrating, managing, and using data in new and powerful ways.

As a starting point for improving the quality of your organization’s facilities management-related data, it can be useful to discuss three questions with your team:

  1. Who in facilities management will use the data and how will it make them more efficient?
  2. What data is essential and how can it be captured in an efficient and effective manner?
  3. How will the data be maintained? Are there data management and governance practices that must be implemented? 

IMAGINiT’s FM data collection and management services help clients derive increased value from managing and integrating different data sources. Our expert teams assist with field verification, asset inventory, reality capture, and more.

A Facilities Management Strategic Process Review may also be beneficial. Our experts take a deep dive into your business objectives, processes, issues, and roadblocks. During the review, we can identify what data needs to be enhanced or augmented to help your organization attain its facilities management goals.

To learn more about IMAGINiT’s Facilities Management services, feel free to contact us.

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Facilities Management: Transformation
Facilities Management: Transformation

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