Fill Pattern Parameters in Revit 2023

August 22, 2022 Jamie Owens

If you do not know, Autodesk is always making minor tweaks behind the scenes with each release, along with major ones.  Some get more recognition and press than others.  Often, parameter changes fly under the radar unless they are something major.  Here is one that has not received much attention, Fill Pattern.

With the release of Revit 2023, Autodesk has provided the ability to control the foreground pattern of Fill Patterns with a parameter.  This parameter is available at the family development level and at the project level as a global parameter (that can be associated to a parameter that was in the family).

As can be seen here in the image below, this is a new parameter association that is in Revit 2023:

Figure 1: Fill Pattern Parameter Revit 2022 vs Revit 2023

The ability to use Fill Pattern parameters within a family now provides us the ability to control detail graphics to a greater detail within a project.

Figure 2: Family Fill Pattern Control at the Project level

These parameters even have the ability to have Global Parameters associated to them within a project, providing designers the ability to globally control fill pattern graphics for families across the project.

Figure 3: Global Parameter association for Fill Patterns

With the good comes the bad, even though we can create the parameter within a family and even associate a Global parameter to it within a project, fill patterns that are created at the project level, does not have the ability to have a Global Parameter associated to it.

Figure 4: No Project level Fill Pattern control

For those curious, yes, this parameter is available within Dynamo for Revit 2.13.


As more users start to explore this new parameter, more uses will be exposed.  Until then, reach out to us and let us know how you are using this new parameter type.

About the Author

Jamie Owens

Solutions Consultant, Building Solutions <br><br>As a Solutions Consultant, I enjoy working with many leading-edge firms to help implement and adopt new technologies across a variety of exciting projects.

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