Inventor error ‘Cannot read texture image’ in drawings


Opening some drawings or creating new drawings with a particular drawing template displays a 'Cannot read texture image' error.  The error can be random.

The path to a .dds reflection environment image is different to the Application Options►Colors►Reflection Environment 'File Name' or to the Texture folder.


The error is caused by the drawing's unique reflection environment setting.  Since the path is not in the current Inventor version's Design Data or textures path the 

Reference Autodesk article: 


Open the drawing template and edit the file's 'Reflection Environment' to use the Application Options reflection environment.

  • On the Tools Ribbon select Document Settings ►Drawing tab.
  • Under Reflection Environment
    • Change the reflection map to use Application Options(from the saved path to an older Inventor version or unavailable location)
  • Save the file.

About the Author

Joanna Gryszka

Manufacturing Technical Support Specialist<br><br>Joanna has over eight years of experience working with Autodesk products. She started supporting core AutoCAD and network installations of all Autodesk products. She now has five years of experience with Inventor. <br> She graduated from Mechanical Engineering and has been providing solutions to clients and dedicating her knowledge to the Solution Center since then.

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