How to edit IMAGINiT Utilities Lifecycle Notification to send link to Thick Client

The Imaginit Vault Client Utilities have a tool that allows you to send email notifications upon Lifecycle State transitions. By default, the out of the box template for File State changes includes a link that will open in the Vault Thin Client. Recently we had a request for the ability to have the link open the Vault Thick Client instead.

The challenge is that, while many of the properties and behaviors clients would want are already included in the list of options inside the tool, this requested bit of information was not readily available. To resolve this, I reached out to our development team who had the answer for us.

The required information is either of the following: “THICKLINK” or “SENDLINK”

You would typically use this in place of the default “NAMELINK” or “THINKLINK,” which is included in the default template. Since I’m a very visual person, I’ll include some screen captures for your convenience, so the process is as clear and straightforward as possible.

I would suggest you start by configuring your E-Mail template before you begin assigning notifications to Lifecycle Transitions to reduce the number of edits you have to make.


As with any of the default configurations available in Vault or the Imaginit Vault Utilities, I suggest making a copy of the Default template, so you’ll have a clean starting point that you are sure works before making any changes.


Next, you’ll name your template and choose any additional properties you would like to include in the email that the Utilities will send out.


In this instance, we’re interested in getting that link to open the Vault Thick Client (aka Vault Explorer) instead of the Vault Thin Client (aka Vault Web Client). To do that we will replace the value highlighted in the image below with either “THICKLINK” or “SENDLINK.”


Once you’re done editing the template, it should appear similar to what you see below:


Finally, after you have your template configured the way you want, you’ll just need to add the Notification Template to the appropriate Lifecycle Transition Notifications. 


For additional reference to the Vault Link capabilities:

About the Author

Heath White

Sr. Technical Support Specialist, Manufacturing

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