IMAGINiT Vault Metadata Update Utility

October 15, 2020 Hal Carruthers

The Vault Metadata Update Utility is one of several tools available to you in the IMAGINiT Utilities for Vault Server. Information about the IMAGINiT Vault Server Utilities can be found  at:

IMAGINiT Utilities for Vault Server

How to prepare for and use the IMAGINiT Vault Metadata Update Utility to Import new data or update existing data.


  • Make sure all files to be edited are not checked out.
  • If Lifecycles are assigned, make sure the State is editable and that you have permission to edit the files.

Step 1: Exporting Existing File Records

Start the process by first using the Metadata Export function to create the Excel spreadsheet that will be used to import data. During the export configuration process, you capture the properties and current values for File Name, File Path, Category, Lifecycle, Lifecycle State, Revision, and any other custom properties that need to be updated.

From the Action menu select “File Metadata Export”

If this is the first time you have used the tool, you will be prompted to create a configuration file.

Start by selecting the needed Vault Properties from the dialog.  Use the Move Up/Down buttons to organize the list the way you want it to appear in Excel.

File Extension – Helpful for sorting by file types when processing Inventor files or large quantities of files

File Name – Needed to identify the record during import

File Path – Needed to locate the specific record in Vault during import, particularly if duplicate file names exist

Category Name – optional

Lifecycle Definition – optional

State – optional

Revision – optional

Rev Number – optional

Additional CUSTOM Properties as needed

Note: Other than the “File Name” and “File Path” properties, you only need to select the properties you plan to update.

Save the configuration file. The next time you want to export data the configuration will be available for use.

By default, the file will be stored in “C:\ProgramData\IMAGINiT Technologies\Vault Server Utilities”.

Next select the folder that contains the files that you need to update.

Finally, save the data export file to your desired location. By default, the file will be stored in “C:\ProgramData\IMAGINiT Technologies\Vault Server Utilities”.

Click Ok and then Start


Step 2: Preparing the Excel Spread Sheet

Open the Excel spreadsheet you just created.

During the import process you will need to first identify the File Name column.

While all you need is just the file name for which the File Name column would be sufficient, if you have duplicated file names in your Vault, it will only update the first record found so you will want to be specific as to which file receives the updates.

If the value in File Name cell starts with “$”, it will be presumed to be the full path to file in Vault. To use this feature, you will need to append the file name to the end of the file path.

In Excel, create a new column and title it “Merged File Name” and then use Excel’s CONCAT function to merge the values.

For example:  =CONCAT(C2,"/",B2)

Excel Tip: If the formulas are not calculating, format the cells to use the number’s "General” setting.

Once all of the cells have been populated with the formula and you have verified the resulting path/name combinations are correct, select all of the cells in the “Merged File Name” column and copy/ paste as text values back in to overwrite the formulas.

Proceed to update the remaining columns with the values to be updated.

Step 3: Importing the Metadata

From the Action dropdown, select “File Metadata Update”


Select the spreadsheet you just created and specify the Tab to use.

Select “Next”.

Start by selecting the column that represents the File Name. In this example we will use the "Merged File Name" column.

Continue populating the fields as needed. Then select OK to continue.

Select “Start”


Before Updates

After Updates


About the Author

Hal Carruthers

Manufacturing Applications Expert<br><br>Hal has been working closely with clients since 1997 to develop and deliver integrated solutions utilizing Autodesk products including AutoCAD, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD Mechanical, Inventor and Vault. His qualifications range from mechanical design engineering to pre-sales and post-sales consulting for the integration of mechanical software solutions. Hal has over 15 years of mechanical design experience in a variety of industry disciplines. He has worked as a Product Design Engineer to design, develop, fabricate and test new surgical instruments for use in Endoscopic and Open Surgery, specific applications for product use include: vessel ligation, wound closure, endoscopic instrumentation and specialty surgical devices. Hal has been awarded two U.S. Patents for medical devices he developed. Additionally during his tenure, Hal developed and maintained Engineering Documentation and CAD Standards and provided CAD product training and support for all users and new hires.

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