Autodesk Upchain, the Future of Data and Process Management

November 22, 2021

Upchain, an instant-on, cloud-based product lifecycle management (PLM) and product data management (PDM) system bridges gaps in data and process management workflows. Whether your teams use Solidworks, Creo, NX, Altium, Inventor, or AutoCAD, or a combination of these CAD programs, the Upchain platform can significantly simplify data sharing and collaboration for engineers, manufacturers, suppliers, and others.

Now is the Time for Upchain

Are your teams using Microsoft Excel to massage and translate data throughout departments and communicating through in-person meetings, phone calls, and email? With teams spread across multiple time zones, individuals working from remote locations, increasing customer demands, and intense competition for customers and employees, companies simply cannot afford to continue counting on these time-consuming and error-prone activities. Now is the time to pull everything together in one system in the cloud, so everyone can access the correct information from anywhere and at any time.

Highlights of Upchain

Upchain connects people to data through existing CAD tools and business systems, enabling companies to bring innovative products to market faster and with better business outcomes. This next generation, CAD-agnostic all-in-one cloud-based PDM and PLM platform moves manual, siloed processes to organized and managed processes across multiple functional groups, and it can tie all processes together into a single optimized system. It manages core applications, such as BOM, change, supplier, and CAD data and document process management, as well as other applications, including new product introduction, program and project management, workflow and business process management, and quality management.

In additional to managing cross-departmental processes in a single system, Autodesk Upchain also removes waste and allows people to focus more on value-added activities by:

  • Reducing the time people spend searching for and accessing information
  • Eliminating the need to duplicate data across systems
  • Managing version control

For a deeper dive and a demonstration of several workflows, watch this on-demand webinar on Autodesk Upchain. Keep an eye out for future webinars and blog posts on specific use cases and more workflows.

Contact us to start a discussion on how we can help you leverage Autodesk Upchain to transform your outdated processes and enhance your customer and employee experiences.

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